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如果您正在构建包含视频显示屏的电路,富昌电子提供丰富的显示屏解决方案,应有尽有。我们备有各种显示屏库存,从主动矩阵显示屏到被动矩阵 STN 显示屏,任您选择。无论您需要 LCD、LED 还是 OLED 显示屏,在这里可以找到来自领先制造商的所有产品!我们还提供触摸屏显示屏,以满足您的要求。利用我们的参数筛选器,优化搜索结果并找到合适您设备的显示屏。
All-in-One Displays, referred to as tablet computers and commonly shortened to tablet as a portable PC, are typically equipped with a mobile operating system and LCD touchscreen display processing circuitry, with a rechargeable battery in a single thin flat package. Find the right all-in-one-display on FutureElectronics.com using our many relevant product attributes to filter and select your Display.
Organic LED (OLED) is the phenomenon of light emitted by organic materials to which a voltage has been applied. The emitting color varies depending on the molecular structure of the organic materials. As OLED displays don't require backlighting, they can be thinner, lighter and sharper than other display technologies. This technology offers bright, colorful images with a wide viewing angle, low power, high contrast ratio and fast response time for sports and action movies. Get the right OLED display on FutureElectronics.com.
The Memory LCD combines matrix technology with a one-bit memory circuit embedded into every pixel, once information is retained it's written. This allows design of products with ultra-low power consumption and long battery life. Buy the right Memory LCD on FutureElectronics.com.
A Passive Matrix STN display, or passive matrix super-twisted nematic display, has good contrast vs voltage characteristics. An advantage of STN LCDs when compared to TFT LCDs is that they need less power as well as being less expensive than TFT LCDs. Find your display on FutureElectronics.com by filtering the category by our many relevant product attributes or call to ask for the right Display.
Active Matrix Displays are based on a technology known as TFT (Thin-Film Transistor). Adding this layer to an LCD (Liquid-Crystal Display) will provide a better and sharper image. Therefore, a TFT display is actually an improved version of an LCD display. We sell a wide range of display sizes. Find the right Active Matrix TFT display for your application by using our parametric search by Resolution, Display Mode and Diagonal Size. Our enhanced filters will help you make your choice and buy the correct display.